Your View from the Mountain

Everyone views life through a unique perspective. I like to think of perspectives like standing on a mountain path. At the base, the view is one thing; a little farther up, a bit higher, and the view broadens. If I walk along one of the many pathways circling the mountain, I see yet another view. And from the peak, I can see in every direction, expanding my understanding of the world.

Our perspectives work in the same way. No matter where you are on the mountain, your view is completely valid from where you stand. Life is a journey along pathways that lead us to new perspectives, opening our minds to more possibilities and greater freedom.

When we start from the heart—letting love guide our steps—the heart opens up new paths for the mind to explore. Our understanding deepens as we become open to other views.

Focus on the heart; let it reveal new paths to the mind. The love that grows will guide you higher along the mountain, allowing you to shine brighter. And by shining your light, you lead the way to freedom for yourself and everyone around you.

We’re all doing our best from where we stand on the path of life. Let’s keep moving forward, seeking fresh perspectives that enrich our view of the world.

Much love, joy, and peace to everyone.


Be….then do.